

The industries of this sector work in seasons that depend on the harvesting and planting process. In this way, the machinery goes through periods of high demand and then through periods of hibernation (off-season). In the off-season, equipment such as chippers, boilers, compressors, screens, exhaust fans, presses, among others which are extremely critical to the process, receive maintenance and adjustments to ensure that these assets are in good condition for the next production period.

During the production period, the high availability and performance of all equipment must be guaranteed, aiming at maximum production and the reduction of corrective stops. Given the reduced tobacco processing period, it is common for some equipment to work at maximum capacity, eventually slightly above in a state of stress, or even with a fault already detected by the maintenance team in order to take the machine until the off-season stop.

One way to increase the reliability of these rotating assets is to maintain continuous monitoring with analysis of operating conditions in terms of parameters such as vibration and temperature. The Dynamox wireless sensor, along with other components of the DynaPredict Solution, offers a safe and efficient way to do this. The system helps in detecting potential faults, allowing the equipment maintenance in a planned way, providing greater reliability to the assets for the production period.

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Dynamox S.A

Rua Coronel Luiz Caldeira, nº 67, bloco C - Condomínio Ybirá Bairro Itacorubi, Florianópolis/SC, CEP 88.034-110 | Telephone: +55 48 3024-5858