

Savings of $5 million by monitoring off-road vehicles

The pioneering solution that overcame the difficulty of monitoring off-road vehicles, increasing the reliability and availability of these assets in Carajás, Pará.


$5 million


300 hours

of downtime avoided


of inspectors exposed to risk avoided


General context

Located in the state of Pará, Mosaico de Carajás is responsible for nearly 60% of all Vale's iron ore, with approximately 150 million tons of iron per year. It is also the largest open-pit iron ore mine in the world.

In this scenario, one of the main challenges was monitoring the condition of off-road vehicles such as drilling rigs, trucks, etc. To collect vibration data, for example, it was necessary to dismantle part of the external structure, making the process time-consuming and putting the safety of the technicians at risk. To increase safety and make data collection more practical, the Serra Norte Predictive Maintenance Supervision team at the Carajás Mine relied on the Dynamox Solution and DynaTrigger, which enables data collection synchronized with the asset's operation.

Success story awarded at the 25th Mining-Metallurgical Industry Excellence Awards at the 14th Opex 2023 Workshop.



Sensors installed:

500 in vehicles

Assets monitored:

+40 vehicles

Vale | Carajás Mine.


Positive impacts for off-road vehicle monitoring, with significant figures

$2.6 million

Savings on miner machine maintenance*

$2.4 million

Savings on drilling rig downtime


of inspectors exposed to risk avoided


Downtime avoided

*The Dynamox Solution made it possible to monitor the force applied by the operator to the miners. This procedure has helped to prevent the bits from wearing out prematurely, avoiding the extra cost of replacing them earlier than expected.

  • Working along with Dynamox allows us to raise the level of reliability when making strategic decisions for the maintenance of our equipment. With this Predictive Maintenance system, we optimize the maintenance of our Miners, avoid breakdowns and early wear on the BITS, and increase the uptime of this equipment.

    Davson Jefferson Soares Araujo

    Vibration Specialist , VALE

  • The work we've been doing with Dynamox over the last three years monitoring mine equipment has given us high levels of reliability for our assets. In the past, we had a lot of difficulties monitoring equipment with variable rotations, but today they are sensorized and have the necessary connectivity to capture the data. In addition, they prevent our employees from being at risk, as was the case before, which is the main gain for us.

    George Bueno de Souza

    Vibration Specialist , VALE


The process of signing up to Dynamox Solution

The implementation of this modernization in data collection took place in steps. Check out how it went at the Carajás Mine.



Manual collection via offline collector

The vibration collection procedure was carried out manually and offline, involving several professionals from different areas.

How it was done:

To monitor the wheel pinion on trucks, for example, the vehicle had to stop so that a professional could enter the truck's structure, remove the wheel pinion and position the accelerometer. The structure was then reassembled and only then was the data measured. Five professionals were involved in this activity. The process was similar for motors, pumps and compressors, impacting the production process and potentially causing safety risks. The inspection kept the equipment idle for around 2 hours or more, and was carried out periodically.

Inspector carrying out manual collection

Inspector carrying out manual collection

Inspector carrying out manual collection



Installation of wireless sensors and collection via App

To reduce this downtime, increase data reliability and team safety, the solution was to use Dynamox wireless vibration and temperature sensors.

In off-road vehicles, the sensor is fixed inside the wheel to monitor vibration and temperature. Data collection was based on the truck moving at a continuous speed along a short predetermined path. At this point, the inspector remained at a safe distance and captured the information from the sensor with the tablet.

Inspector collecting remotely via app



Expansion of the number of assets with sensors

Based on the experience with the trucks, the team expanded the installation.

Assets monitored:

  • Drilling rigs

  • Loaders

  • Excavators

Components monitored:

  • Motors

  • Compressors

  • Pumps

  • Generators

  • Alternators

  • Among others

This is where drill rigs stand out. Complex equipment that operates intermittently.

Fan motor

Diesel engine/compressor

PTO/hydraulic pumps



Collection automation

With an increase in the number of sensors to intensify monitoring, we sought to optimize the process through the Gateway, a collection automation device installed in the vehicles. These devices collect data via Bluetooth and send it to the Dynamox platform via mobile networks. However, another challenge was still present: data repeatability. Faced with this, Vale and Dynamox began to explore options to solve this problem.

Gateway installed in off-road truck

Gateway installed in off-road truck



DynaTrigger: functionality to optimize data collection

DynaTrigger is a Dynamox solution that works like a "Gateway trigger", mainly applied to autonomous drilling rigs. This allows data collection to be triggered when an external signal, linked to the equipment's operating condition, is sent to the Gateway. In this way, collection is carried out at the most appropriate time, synchronized with the asset's operation.

How it works:

The DynaTrigger allows you to define various drive parameters, either simple or combined. From this, the Gateway is now able to understand the asset's operating behavior and DynaTrigger collections at specific moments in the equipment's operation, such as when a certain component is activated or when it enters a specific rotation.

Waterfall waveforms before DynaTrigger

Waterfall waveforms with DynaTrigger

DynaTrigger is part of the efficient vibration monitoring strategies, which, together with the visual management module, allows for more assertive decision-making.



Visual Management

Visual Management allows you to visualize the plant's production flow and its health indicators. This way, you can see the impact of a machine stoppage on the process as a whole and have organized information on each asset.

AMC - Vale

AMC - Vale

Visual Management dashboard - Dynaneo



Expansion and improved use of the Solution

To make maximum use of the solution, Vale's team is in the process of installing Gateways in all the trucks that are already sensorized in order to automate collection.

Pit Stops

Another improvement that is being implemented is the creation of pit stops: locations with Gateways strategically positioned to collect vehicle sensing data.

Other vehicles:

At the same time, a study is underway to implement the solution in other vehicles that are not yet sensorized, such as the Caterpillar 797 model.


Learn more about the project's gains

Discover all the features and applications of the Dynamox Solution for monitoring assets and managing maintenance actions.

Elimination of collections from idle machines

Enabling the monitoring of trends and the evolution of defects

Remote collection via private LTE network

Increased production by not stopping assets

Removal of employees from being exposed to risky operations

Collections with equipment at the same speeds

Applying the solution to 15 drilling rigs:

$2.3 million

Production deficit avoided by predictive downtime


Powertrain savings

2700 min

Reduction in risk exposure with each collection


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Dynamox S.A

Rua Coronel Luiz Caldeira, nº 67, bloco C - Condomínio Ybirá Bairro Itacorubi, Florianópolis/SC, CEP 88.034-110 | Telephone: +55 48 3024-5858