Managing your maintenance process has never been easier
DynaNeo is a visual management dashboard that combines information from the DynaPredict environment into an integrated visualization, allowing the calculation of process health based on the indicators of interest to the user.
Creation of multiple dashboards for visualizing production processes.
Visibility for coordinated actions within the windows of opportunity.
Visualization of the DynaPredict ecosystem indicators in one place.
Visual and conclusive
Visualization of risk assets in the context of the production process for decision-making.
Set up your process as you wish
Choose which assets and indicators matter to your process and create flows in a more efficient and customized way.

Drag and drop and organize your assets
Edit your production chain: with the drag and drop system you can easily drag and connect the assets on the board to create the flow.

Complete visibility of the chain and health indicators
Visualize the entire assembled flow and the indicators of the assets you need.

Visual and conclusive
Visualize and make decisions
Get a complete plant view and easily visualize how the downtime of one piece of equipment affects your production system as a whole. Quickly find your alarmed assets and instantly identify where you should take action.

Monitor your productive flow in three dimensions
Transform asset visual management into an immersive experience with DynaNeo's 3D visualization.
Choose the best option for your needs
Or contact our experts to find out which plan is right for you.
Start managing your visual maintenance processes, map up to 5 different flows in your machine yard.
Create the main process flows for your company.
Monitor as many processes as you need and create visualizations focused on your subprocesses.
* Each flow supports a total of 50 machines.
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