

Installation, Supervision, and Asset Commissioning

For Dynamox Solution

In-situ installation, supervision installation, parameterization, and commissioning of the Dynamox sensing system by a specialized team. It also includes training for the contracting team, as well as assisted operation.

Who is it for?

For Dynamox technology customers who are not familiar yet with the installation model and seek the security of a well-defined and applied application scope, generating desired results.

For companies seeking installation speed, in other words, that the system is operational quickly and properly.

Expected Benefits

Agility and accuracy in getting the system up and operational;

Proper parameterization adapted to industry monitoring needs;

Sharing of experiences and training for the local team to operate the system.

How it works

This service requires prior definition of the technical scope, sizing of service requirements, investment definition, hiring, and execution scheduling.

There is also the possibility of performing installation supervision, assisted operation, and remote training.

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Dynamox S.A

Rua Coronel Luiz Caldeira, nº 67, bloco C - Condomínio Ybirá Bairro Itacorubi, Florianópolis/SC, CEP 88.034-110 | Telephone: +55 48 3024-5858