

Vibration monitoring in belt conveyor chute

1 de septiembre de 2023

The main objective of this case is to use Dynamox’s wireless sensing technology, through vibration monitoring, to detect failures in belt conveyor chutes and keep track of their dynamic conditions.

Chute vibration monitoring

Check out the complete study below:


Two pieces of equipment were used for this study:

Belt conveyor

It conveys material from mines to processing plants or loading areas.


It is the part of the belt conveyor that redirects the material’s trajectory.

Vibration monitoring in belt conveyor and chute.

How it works

A transfer chute is a belt conveyor’s component that allows the controlled transition of materials between belts or pieces of equipment. Its function is to ensure that the transfer takes place efficiently, minimizing spills, reducing dust generation, and avoiding excessive wear on the equipment involved.  

This equipment is designed with an appropriate coating to guide the material as smoothly as possible, absorbing the impact of a large volume of material. This makes it possible to manage the impact forces on the belts, contributing to the overall performance and reliability of the conveyor system.  

Vibration monitoring in operation

Vibration monitoring: the problem

The impact and friction of the transported material on the chute lining causes it to degrade and/or detach, which can cause serious problems.   

A plate detaching from the chute frame can cause the equipment to clog or damage the conveyor belt.   

Among the various failures, two need special attention: (i) the detachment and/or (ii) wear of chute liners. 

Solution: DynaPredict + DynaLoggers

The Dynamox Web Platform is the cloud environment where data recorded by DynaLoggers and collected by the mobile app or Gateway is centralized for analysis, interpretation and fault prognosis

Eleven old-generation DynaLoggers (TcA) were strategically installed at the bottom and on top of the chute to record the triaxial vibration data of each spot.   

Today, the DynaLoggers family includes new models and several improvements: the HF+, TcAg and TcAs. The TcAs is the most commonly recommended for chutes. 


DYNASENS is DYNAMOX’s service that makes it easier for technicians to inspect assets in the field. With this service, it is possible to establish routes and fill in monitoring checklists. In addition to its own app, this information can be integrated into the DYNAPREDICT platform.   

By using this service, inspectors were able to assess the condition of the chute and signal the need for maintenance on the platform using criticality indicators. 

Research strategy

Vibration monitoring in research strategies

Plate detachment | The defect

The screws holding the plates covering the chute were deliberately loosened.

Vibration monitoring:
Plate detachment

Plate detachment | Signal

Plate detachment signal

The separation of the plates from the chute lining causes a change in the vibratory response of the structure. After the separation of one or more plates, there is a change in the acceleration waveform, characterized by a greater presence of peaks (impacts). 

Plate detachment | Telemetry

Telemetry and plate detachment

It is possible to identify that the RMS (Root Mean Square) metrics of acceleration in the frequency ranges from 500 to 1000 Hz and the global peak-to-peak acceleration value are good indicators for detecting this increase in the impulse of the signal. 

The graph shows the vibration levels based on these metrics in different areas of the transfer chute. Analysis of the graph reveals that, for both metrics, the presence of a detached plate can be easily distinguished from a plate under normal conditions. Furthermore, the difference between a healthy plate and a detached plate is more prominent when evaluating the peak-to-peak value compared to the acceleration RMS. Nevertheless, each region of the chute must be analyzed based on its specific history, as the vibration levels in each area can vary significantly. 

Plate wear | DynaSens

From the data in the maintenance inspectors’ reports over time, we can determine when there should be a change in the vibration signal. 

Plate wear

Plate wear | Cross-referencing

By cross-referencing the criticality data from sensitive inspection reports with classic metrics, we can identify a correlation.

Vibration and plate wear monitoring

We can also cross-reference data from sensitive inspections with more advanced metrics, such as the energy or centroid of the Power Spectral Density (PSD). These metrics are less noisy. 

Vibration and plate wear monitoring (1)

Plate wear | Diagnosis

DYNAMOX’s vibration monitoring technology can identify highly worn areas or areas without a lining plate.   

This makes it possible to monitor the evolution of wear and plan maintenance actions. 

Plate wear diagnosis

The use of Dynamox’s vibration monitoring technology stands out by capturing changes in the dynamic behavior of the conveyor belt transfer chute, capturing both the evolution of wear on the lining and plate loosening. 

The implementation of remote monitoring of the condition of assets, such as the transfer chute, reduces the number of assets on the field inspection route, the presence of people in operational areas, and enables strategic planning of plant maintenance. These actions promote employees’ safety, increase plant reliability, and reduce maintenance costs.  

You can find more cases like this one on our blog. You can also read this case: “Dynamox solution identifies a defect in a cell agitator motor“.

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