
Our Solution: now a family of sensors!

August 20, 2020

Do you need a sensor? Dynamox’s wireless sensors are designed to measure different types of vibrations. This now a family of sensors.

The Solution consists of (1) DynaLoggers in different versions to monitor triaxial vibration condition and temperature of the components to which they are attached;

(2) Mobile APP to initiate the Dynalogger (intelligent sensor) and interact with it, which can also be combined with a

(3) DynaGateway for automated data collection;

(4) Web platform with centralized data history and analysis and interpretation tools for remote diagnostics.


Named as DynaLoggers, consist of three versions of datalogger, namely:

  • DynaLogger TcA;
  • DynaLogger HF (High Frequency);
  • DynaLogger AS (Asynchronous).

See the main features of each at the illustrations below:

DynaLogger TcA

sensors DynaLogger TcA

Ideal to detect faults in stator and rotor windings of electric motors and common defects related to shafts and rotors such as misalignment, looseness, imbalance and cavitation as well as bearing defects.

DynaLogger HF (High Frequency)

sensors DynaLogger HF (High Frequency)

This sensor is recommended to detect early-stage bearing defects, broken bars on electrical motors and gear, drive assemblies and rotor defects in critical high rotating speed machines.

DynaLogger AS

sensors DynaLogger AS

Developed to detect transient vibration events suitable for equipment with the variable operation and non-continuous duty machines, indicating bearing defects, common defects related to shafts and rotors such as misalignment, clearance, unbalance and cavitation.


Many applications with the sensor have already been confirmed by Dynamox customers and partners.

These include various rotating machines and components (motors and generators, fans, reducers, hoods, pumps, compressors), belt conveyors, vibrating sieves, off-road vehicles, etc.

The industrial sectors that have already joined, among others, are: Mining, Steel, Paper and Pulp, Automotive, Timber, Packaging, Power Generation, etc.

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Dynamox S.A

Rua Coronel Luiz Caldeira, nº 67, bloco C - Condomínio Ybirá Bairro Itacorubi, Florianópolis/SC, CEP 88.034-110 | Telephone: +55 48 3024-5858