

Remote Predictive Maintenance: productivity and reducing costs

15 de julio de 2022

Do you know Remote Predictive Maintenance? Situations like the one we are currently experiencing cause a series of changes to the daily habits of citizens, in economic terms, behavior, consumption and, of course, labor.

In relation to the last point, various sectors of the labor market established that their employees are able to carry out work activities from their homes, as a measure of isolation.

Some sectors, such as industrial maintenance, given the Strong presence of manual labor, can be more heavily impacted.

How can equipment be inspected, interventions carried out and, in general, assets made to continuously operate from a distance or with reduced labor?

Fortunately, the current situation offers opportunities for new methods.

This is the case with remote asset monitoring, which allows surveillance of operational parameters from a distance, ensuring less employee exposure to inherent risks.

Dynamox already has this alternative and works with a wireless sensor solution for industrial assets.


  • Obtaining data without human intervention with the use of wireless sensors and Gateways (automatic data collectors)

The solution consists of Bluetooth data loggers with vibration and temperature sensors, installed at critical points on machines.

The user configures measurement intervals for each point (according to criticality) and with the use of the Dynamox gateway, automatically collects the data.

The only manual intervention necessary is at the moment of installation of the sensors, allowing the field team to be relocated.

After installation, the system works independently with the gateway, collecting and sending data from multiple sensors directly to the Web Platform, hosted on the cloud.

This is another great advantage of the system, as will be explained in the following segment.

  • Availability of data on the cloud:

Instead of working on a local server, which would restrict data access only to computers within the network of the company, Dynamox works with a cloud platform.

This means that accredited personnel may access data from anywhere by simply accessing a common internet connection.

That makes it possible to remotely monitor and interact with the sensors installed at the plant.

Dashboad Plataforma Web

To assist with monitoring, besides having the entire history of vibration and temperature measurements, the Web Platform has dashboards for summarizing the condition of assets and is capable of prioritizing analysis and maintenance actions based on system alerts.

The Web Platform also offers several vibration analysis options, such as an envelope, bearing registration, filters and comparisons between spectra, thus enabling remote diagnosis of faults.

Dynamox will also soon be launching a Sensitive Inspection module, with machine checklists and maintenance processes. The aim is to combine predictive and sensitive inspection in what we call ‘Integrated Inspection’.

Consequently, it will be possible to remotely view not only the data from the sensors, but also the machine checklists carried out by inspectors in the area with photos and audios of possible occurrences.

  • Receive alerts on your smartphone / computer:

With this system, you don’t have to worry about Remote Predictive Maintenance, just accessing the Web Platform every 10 minutes to check if any of the monitored points are running above the established limits.

The system itself takes care of notifying you and/or your team members when this happens. It is done by sending e-mails (and soon SMS), which instantly warns when a monitoring poin Contact Us (dynamox.net) to starts working outside the acceptable temperature or vibration levels.

This brings more agility and reliability to act before a failure effectively occurs in the asset being monitored.

Could it also be time for you to rethink and evaluate what the digitalization or industry 4.0 can do for your shop floor?

Our customers already have proven cost savings, increased safety and productivity, improved reliability and availability of rotating assets. All of this generating a more competitive production process.

Join us! Together we will make a personalized assessment of what best fits your industry needs.

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Dynamox S.A

Rua Coronel Luiz Caldeira, nº 67, bloco C - Condomínio Ybirá Bairro Itacorubi, Florianópolis/SC, CEP 88.034-110 | Teléfono: +55 48 3024-5858