

5 reasons to bet on continuous monitoring

13 de agosto de 2020

The paradigm addressed here is the shift from vibration analysis by monthly or quarterly sampling, to continuous monitoring, on all critical equipment.

Maintenance costs vary among industrial sectors and can reach 30% of the operational cost of a factory. This is a known reality in the pulp and paper sector.

However, it is often the comparison of financial results of industries in the same sector that shows how effective the application of available resources has been between the best and the least prepared.

As the availability and management of resources differs from one industry to another, it is known that there will be competition for greater efficiency and productivity.

Based on this, vibration analysis via continuous monitoring is in the market to break paradigms, because it aims to reduce maintenance costs linked to better efficiency in asset management.

Competition for greater efficiency and productivity

It can be said that each industrial sector and a specific industrial unit has the obligation to seek business sustainability, implementing the best management practices, investing in the renewal of the industrial park with modern machinery, management systems, and technologies that ensure unique competitive advantages.

It is no wonder that it has become commonplace for large corporations to seek out innovation centers for solutions or innovative ideas to solve recurring problems.

Among the competitive advantages there is the differentiation of a product with unique features, lean production processes, highly skilled and committed teams, the adherence to robotization, sensoring, in short, methods that reduce production costs and increase income, or at least one of them.

In industries where the cost of maintenance is expressive, there is invariably a high employment of labor, either in-house or outsourced.

In this matter, to do more with less, it is necessary to review work methods and processes. Evaluate where technology can help.

Employee safety, NR12 compliance

In industries, machinery reliability is often dependent on human inspection, even if supported by advanced predictive technique solutions.

If a competitor uses technologies capable of monitoring the health of the machine, without exposing the operator or maintainer to the risks of confined, high, hot, and generally unhealthy environments, he will be able to gain advantages in terms of cost, occupational health and safety, and greater operational availability, to name a few results.

So, for rotating machinery that has the possibility to be continuously monitored in its vibration and temperature parameters, with technologies such as the one embedded in the Solution, will be at an advantage in the employees’ care and in the NR12 compliance, for example.

Brazilian regulatory norm for safety at work with machines. Click and see more about NR12.

Less dependence on outsourced processes

Remote continuous monitoring allows maintenance managers to track the condition of their own machines through a software system that captures information from sensors and gauges installed on specific components.

Although there is a need for an understanding of vibration analysis, an expert can be responsible for tracking the performance of monitored machines in several plants from a centralized monitoring room.

There is no single answer about the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing or internalizing activities. It is relevant, however, to question the results achieved in each situation.

The current model, frequently used, of vibration measurement and analysis, has left much to be desired, mainly due to the periodicity of sample collection; cost and response time of the technician in his field visits; availability of reports, and; being an impediment to monitor components with difficult access.

If there is a more effective way to handle sample collection, by continuous monitoring, why not use it?

Improved energy and lubrication efficiency

Vibration meters used to identify changes in vibration levels can determine whether the machine is set up to operate in an energy-efficient manner.

Studies by international engineering institutes indicate that an industry can reduce energy costs by 5 to 10 percent depending on the quality of its maintenance. 

Mechanical misalignment, current leakage in electrical systems, and oil leaks are all sources of energy loss.

Monitoring vibration levels is also an indicator of the quality of lubrication.

It is known that in the absence of lubrication, the components exhibit greater friction, due to direct contact between solids. This, in turn, generates a higher level of vibration.

Advance predictive maintenance and reliability of the installed park

Vibration analysis is one of the predictive techniques needed to improve the reliability of machines in operation. It is known that a large part of the failures in machines are random, that is, there’s no previous notice before happening.

Therefore, knowing the condition of the machinery in use through its continuous monitoring will allow: maintenance intervention at the most appropriate time; avoid breakages and production stoppages; extend its useful life; reduce the cost of replacement of parts and spare parts and, therefore, of parts inventory.

In summary, it will improve operational productivity and the ability to keep customers satisfied.

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