

Visual management in maintenance: visualize actions involving your assets 

14 de agosto de 2023

Visual management is essentially the centralization of information, data, and indicators on a strategically arranged dashboard so that it is visible to everyone involved in a project or process. This way, everyone, from employees to leaders, can monitor the progress of objectives.   

This offers total transparency about the functioning of the business or project, while at the same time informing everyone which indicators are positive, which need attention, and which need improvement or correction.    

Visual management is also one of maintenance’s great allies. Dashboards are very popular tools used by maintenance teams to keep track of asset monitoring activities and enable the status of these tasks to be monitored by everyone. Using this method ensures the optimization and efficiency of the asset maintenance process. 

The advantages of visual management in maintenance 

Visual management is a way of optimizing maintenance work. Through a broad and objective visualization, it facilitates the constant monitoring of asset health indicators and predictive or corrective actions if necessary. Through visual management, it is possible to receive early alerts and notifications about the state of the assets and, based on this information, plan maintenance activities.   

A maintenance team that implements a visual management system can identify very quickly which points of attention could become faults that lead to unplanned downtime in the production flow. As a result, improvements or repairs are carried out in much less time.   

Visual management dashboards also allow all the data relating to the asset plant to be centralized and at everyone’s fingertips. This makes it possible to follow up the history of preventive and corrective maintenance activities, facilitate trend analysis and team planning.   

Consequently, having this information available to everyone in a clear and constantly updated form has a direct and positive impact on decision-making. It also facilitates continuous, uninterrupted monitoring. 

Implementing visual management in predictive maintenance 

We have shown you the main advantages of implementing visual management in maintenance. Now, let’s take a step-by-step look at how you can apply it in your company. 

The way in which visual management keeps essential information organized and on display is indispensable for structuring all the activities involved in any maintenance routine. Bearing this in mind, how should predictive maintenance professionals set objectives? Which indicators are the most relevant for a visual management dashboard?  And finally, which visual management tool is best suited to routine maintenance?   

When thinking about a visual management dashboard for industrial asset maintenance management, it is essential to consider: 

What are the objectives and indicators? 

It is very important to define the scope that will guide the use and monitoring of the dashboard. In other words, define possible and relevant objectives and indicators, according to the nature of the assets being monitored. It is from this analysis that it will be possible to identify failures ranked by criticality, recognize problems, and think of solutions. Selecting indicators that make sense to view on a daily basis and setting reliability goals are important steps in this context and keep the process healthy. 

What will be the visualization method? 

The use of a dashboard is highly recommended by maintenance professionals, considering that it makes it easy to access and visualize the main indicators of the production process, identify which assets need their immediate attention, and display the health of the assets in a clear and centralized way, speeding up decision-making.  

It is essential to present data in a visual way. As the intention is to present information quickly, it is counterproductive to formulate long and complex reports.  

DynaNeo: your new visual management dashboard 

DynaNeo is a visual management dashboard that does a lot more than just make asset plant data and metrics available to all maintenance professionals. Dynamox’s new tool allows you to observe the entire production flow, listing the most relevant information for each asset on cards in a simple and objective way.  As it is a customizable, unifying, interactive and easy-to-view dashboard, you will be able to manage maintenance activities assertively, based on the indicators of interest that you indicate. 

It allows you to reproduce the most important production flows for your business, visualize the main indicators of your production process in real time, identify which assets need your immediate attention and display equipment health indicators. It is also possible to set a reliability goal for monitoring. 

It is also much easier to understand if the monitored asset has any vibration or temperature fault alerts or if sensitive inspections have revealed criticality alerts, as well as to follow up on the reports generated. Seeing the flow as a whole makes it easier to understand the consequences of downtime, as it is easy to see the dependency between assets. Reduce the time it takes to identify and correct faults and guide decisions according to the level of importance of each asset in the production flow, avoiding abrupt downtime. 


Visual management provides transparency, communication, and engagement for maintenance teams. By making everyone feel responsible for the results, work is continuously optimized.  

With this stimulus, productivity and the clear understanding of needs, maintenance is given the right direction. What’s more, it’s possible to optimize processes. Maintenance control becomes more pragmatic, increases equipment reliability, and reduces downtime. This helps to boost productivity and improves the achievement of strategic results throughout the business. 

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