

Management 4.0 in industry

14 de novembro de 2023

Digital transformation in industries has led to changes in the management methods of the teams responsible for carrying out the most diverse activities. In the maintenance area, the implementation of advanced technologies to ensure the smooth running of machinery has led to new strategies for optimizing work and coordinating teams. Have you heard of Management 4.0?

Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0, also known as the 4th industrial revolution, is a concept that seeks to explain the incorporation of technologies, automation and digitalization of industrial activities. In this new era, companies use tools and solutions such as artificial intelligence, IoT or internet of things, cloud data, big data, among others. The inclusion of these technologies optimizes all processes, guaranteeing an increase in productivity and a reduction in production costs.

According to CNI data, the digital transformation in industries has led to an average increase of 22% in the productivity of micro, small and medium-sized companies in the food and beverage, metalworking, furniture, clothing and footwear segments.

Industry 4.0 in Brazil

The Brazilian industry still needs to overcome major challenges to keep up with the modernization movement seen on a global level. Despite recent efforts, there is still a need to invest in digital solutions, adapt traditional processes to the new demands and develop the teams’ skills to work together with these new tools.

The massive amount of data generated by these innovations regarding the production process, in addition to requiring trained professionals to identify opportunities for improvement through this information, it also leads to the emergence of new forms of management and engineering throughout the production flow. 

The new management model in Industry 4.0

Management 4.0 has emerged in the context of digital transformations in companies. In the case of industries, it was not different. 

Broadly speaking, the concept of Management 4.0 defines a management model that follows the 4.0 movement. In this context, managers have the responsibility to carefully track market changes, monitor the emergence of new technologies and assess customer behavior.

The digital transformation of industries has also meant changes in the way projects and teams are managed. The main players in the industry now have management models based on operational performance, adopting a holistic approach to continuous improvement. This approach encompasses all the technological, organizational and human dimensions necessary for success. 

Leading companies recognize that the journey to achieving operational excellence through digital transformation can be a long one. The benefits increase as the organization develops the ability to use more sophisticated tools and apply them to its operations.  Management 4.0 emerged in response to the changes driven by digital transformation and process automation in industries. The incorporation of technologies into practically every production process has made it necessary for leaders and managers to look for new ways of engaging employees with Industry 4.0 tools, with the aim of increasing productivity and process efficiency.

The fundamentals of management 4.0

To ensure that business processes are fast, precise and efficient, innovative management has some fundamental bases. In addition, in this new management model, the relationship between the leadership and the team changes. Here are the main guiding points of management 4.0:


Process automation and virtualization are ways of making processes less and less manual, allowing for real-time data analysis and more assertive decision-making. In addition to efficiency gains, technological tools of this kind are more accessible and suitable for any type of company.

The benefits of automation include optimizing internal processes, increasing productivity, reducing rework, service quality and data security.

High-performance teams 

Good professionals are fundamental to the success of any business. Even with the latest technology, it is the people who come up with strategies and put processes to work.

In Management 4.0, efficiency and productivity are central concepts, as the market is increasingly competitive. Therefore, investing heavily in professional qualification and valuing individual skills are ways that result in high-performance teams.

Customer-centered approach 

In Management 4.0, the customer is the main focus. It is necessary to deeply understand their needs in order to guarantee a good shopping experience and the much sought-after loyalty. In the new management model, actions are based on evaluating the customer journey to identify bottlenecks in products or services and on strengthening communication with consumers and their feedback.  

Diversified channels 

By focusing your approach on the customer, it’s easier to understand which communication channels they use and how they prefer to be contacted. In this sense, offering several options is crucial for a successful customer contact strategy.

In Management 4.0, companies must be multichannel: communication takes place via social networks, email, telephone, chatbots, as well as physical and online stores. The aim is to meet all consumer expectations and get feedback on new ideas for promoting and marketing their products or services.

Big Data 

Big Data can be defined as the accumulation of a large amount of data generated by consumers on different platforms, such as social media, email interactions, questionnaires and even registration data. On its own, this data doesn’t tell you much, but when cross-referenced, it allows you to better understand your consumer’s profile.  

Sector integration

A striking feature of Management 4.0 is the integration of sectors. To maintain the standardization and efficiency of processes, it is important to maintain the harmony of the flow of operations and interconnected activities, a factor that contributes to strengthening the culture and identity of companies. 

The horizontal organization of sectors favors the connection between teams, facilitates the integration of tasks, and reduces communication breakdowns. 

How to implement Management 4.0

Developing a Management 4.0 plan based on digital transformation within the industry is a challenging task. To begin with, focus on collecting and using data to understand your results and identify areas for improvement.

Also invest in digitalizing processes, because Management 4.0 is the result of digital transformation and is therefore an essential pillar for the company to achieve productivity, reduce internal costs, streamline tasks and improve the quality of products and services.

Another benefit of digitalizing processes is the possibility of correcting errors and better structuring the production chain. Again, in this context, data is key. 

Digitalization also makes it easier to collect information. And it is from this that leaders can gain positive insights, adjust where necessary and promote innovation.

As a company guided by the principles of technological transformation, Dynamox’s solution is a product of Industry 4.0. Our solution offers the best to its users because it is designed from start to finish to meet all their needs and demands in a context where digitalization, the use of intelligent algorithms and the availability of information in real time, as well as easy access to data, are present. 

Remote monitoring of the operating parameters of machines and components generates valuable data to guide the decision-making process of maintenance managers who are looking to save money, ensure safety and reliability for the industrial plant.

Remote vibration and temperature sensors came from the IOT concept. With state-of-the-art technology, they can transmit data constantly, 24 hours a day, to the platform. This data is stored in the cloud and available for analysis and record-keeping.

Tools such as automated failure analysis and smart dashboards updated in real time are added to the hardware to deliver a complete solution – based on the principles of Industry 4.0, with the latest technology available and designed to meet the needs of each industry. 

These companies are not always in areas where online communication is easily available, but they must also work together to define the best way of transmitting data remotely, implementing communication systems that can support the technology and provide advances in efficiency and reliability.

Did you like our content? Read more about the maintenance sector on our blog or ask one of our experts.  

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